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Showing posts from December, 2016

Portfolio Reflection-Animation

Hammer Project  In this project I learned how use the polygonal transformation manipulator tool, how to extrude, and how to subdivide polygon faces. I was able to learn this project by watching our teacher do a quick explanation/ tutorial and by reading the directions typed on google classroom. I picked this project because I spent a lot of time on the hammer's head and this project turned out better than I thought it would, especially the shadows. My greatest strength during this project was patience because when I was extruding, my hammer was not doing what I wanted it to do. My weakness during this project was would be not making the green take up more of the picture, because there is too much black. I have improved because I have the right shadows. I will take my learning of the manipulator tool and extrude tool to my next projects. I would change the background so there would not be so much black. This project helped me prepare for other projects by practicing the manipula

Technical Tutorial for Animation

How to render in Maya! In this tutorial I will show you the steps I use to render in Maya. First, click windows, rendering editors, render view. Then, click the render icon (with blue box around it) This will bring up a picture of what it will look like when it renders out.  After you click the render icon, this is what it will look like. Make sure you have it saved to "Maya Software" before you render.  Then, click file, save image. A box will then pop up to ask where you would like to save it. After that, name your file and make sure to save as a JPEG.  That's it! 

Professional Article Review

Maya Software! In this article, a college student writes about downloading Maya in one of his classes. He does not really have an argument, but if there was one I'd say he is for the Maya software program. He writes about how it is helpful because a new setting, Camera Sequencer is used to let people layout their camera shots, and can manage them with one part of the animation. The author did a good job of conveying people to download Maya, but however he did not do such a great job in explaining in detail what some of the other features are. I would add more information next time, and more featues to talk about. In general this article helps me understand the Camera Sequencer and hopefully I will be able to use it sometime at school. Maya Article

Professional Project Review

The scope of this movie, Finding Nemo is for entertainment of all ages and to show how sticking together can lead to success. The story of the movie starts out when Nemo ventures into the open water, after being told many times by Marlin (dad) to not go far. While Nemo keeps going further out he gets picked up by scuba divers and is taken to a dentist office and is placed in a tank with many other sea creatures, including Gill, Peach, Jacques, and Bloat. In summary, Marlin with help along the way from Dory venture through the water, conquering many obstacles, such as meeting the three sharks who claim to veterinarians, and getting lost through out the way and eventually are able to find Nemo and bring him back safe to home. This movie shows how if we can stick together as a group we are able to accomplish what we are trying to do. The animations in this movie also show lots of detail because the fish and water are constantly moving and are in 3D. I have done some 3D animation in Maya,