This is my website I made in Dreamweaver. We first had to connect to the server and locate our file. I had to pick one project form graphic design and one project from animation. I don't have anything under the video heading because I haven't taken video yet. After placing all the files I had to edit the HTML pages. It really isn't as hard as it sounds. I typed in my name and used a level 1 heading. Then for the other titles I used level 2 headings. The tricky part was making a link from my home page to my project page. Thanks to the "drag the point-to-file icon" and Mr. Olson I was able to make a link to the other pages. It was first in black and white, but it needed some color. To add the color I had to find the CSS panel. Under the CSS panel I clicked "background" to change the color and when I liked the color I clicked OK. I did the same thing for the text color and the sides of the webpage. For the font I clicked the #wrapper also in the CSS file and then picked the font I wanted. Then I made a few minor changes when I was done and that was all!
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