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Showing posts from 2015

My House Animation!!

This is my house animation I made in e9 this week. It took me a while, but it wasn't too difficult. First, I went to to choose what house I wanted to design. I chose "The Barclay." I went off the measurements for that house to draw my bases. After that, I drew some angles on the roof to give it the different levels and dimensions using the push/pull tool. I made some doors and windows, which weren't hard at all. All I had to do was draw rectangles, use the offset tool, push/pull tool, and the paint bucket. I also made gutters on the side of my house. I made a little rectangle on the sides of the rood and used a 1in offset. That was the main steps, and after that I got to "design" my house the way I wanted. I added a bench by my front door and some flowers. I made a driveway by drawing a rectangle and added a Range Rover, because who doesn't want a Range Rover? I also made a pool by making a rectangle a

My Dreamweaver Website

This is my website I made in Dreamweaver. We first had to connect to the server and locate our file. I had to pick one project form graphic design and one project from animation. I don't have anything under the video heading because I haven't taken video yet. After placing all the files I had to edit the HTML pages. It really isn't as hard as it sounds. I typed in my name and used a level 1 heading. Then for the other titles I used level 2 headings. The tricky part was making a link from my home page to my project page. Thanks to the "drag the point-to-file icon" and Mr. Olson I was able to make a link to the other pages. It was first in black and white, but it needed some color. To add the color I had to find the CSS panel. Under the CSS panel I clicked "background" to change the color and when I liked the color I clicked OK. I did the same thing for the text color and the sides of the webpage. For the font I clicked the #wrapper also in the CSS fi

Dog House

This is my dog house I made this week. We first got a sheet with all the measurements and then I made the dog house the same way I made the table and chairs. I made a rectangle then pushed/pulled it up, made a roof, and then used the "offset" tool to make the white boarder around the house. Next, I used the type tool to type the name Max. Max is the name of my dog and I imported a picture that looks a little like him. The last step was to add color to the house and add grass. I made the roof a grey color and made the dog house blue because of the Royals. Go Royals!

Table and Chairs

This week I have been working on making a table and chairs in Ecomm. To make the chairs I started off with making a rectangle 18" by 18" using the rectangle tool. Then using the push/ pull tool I pulled it up 4'. That is how I made the base of the chair. For the legs I made another rectangle and pushed/pulled it up, then made a design on the rectangle. I then used the "follow me" tool to create the design on the legs and the table. I just made one original chair then I made components for the others so I would have the same measurements on both. I made my table by using the rectangle tool and then added some walls and some windows. The last step was to add some and color. That's it!

Name Bouncing Ball Animation

This is my name bouncing ball animation. As you can see, its a little rough. This project took a long time and a lot of frames and layers. It starts out okay but at the end its gets a little crazy, but oh well. I had to make a text box to type my name and used the eclipse tool to make the bouncing ball. I drew the faces on both of the balls. I had to make a copy of the ball each time and then squashed and stretched them as it went on. After that I put them in the animation timeline and put the setting on repeat so that it would repeat forever. Then saved it to the web. That's it!

My Name Animation!

This is my name animation. I first made a text layer and typed my name. Then, I made a copy of the text and added an effect to it. I made a lot of copies of my name and on each copy erased a little each time. I erased from right to left. I had to make sure to hide the previous layer so I could keep erasing. After my name was fully erased, I went up to window, then timeline and clicked frame animation. After that, I went to the "secret menu" and selected make frames from layers. I selected all the frames then put the frames in reverse. That's it!  

My 10 Words Animation

This is my 10 words animation project that I have been working on in Ecomm. I used the video timeline in Photoshop and worked with the keystones to make the different timing on the words. I was able to add spin and rotations on my words by doing "command t."

My Personality Type!!

Yesterday and today in e-Comm we took the Myers-Briggs personality test. My personality type is ESTP. ESTP stands for extravert, sensing, thinking, and perceiving. I'm 34% extravert, 1% sensing, 3% thinking, and 9% perceiving. I share a personality type with Donald Trump, Ryan Seacrest, and Taylor Swift. ESTP's are energetic and have a good sense of humor. I think this type relates to me because I'm energetic and I talk a lot. ESTP don't like long boring conversations and I don't like long boring conversations. The description of ESTP relates to me and is spot on. My personality types explains why I'm always trying something new and why I'm involved in so many activities. I'm always doing something to keep me entertained. I get bored easily if I'm not doing anything. I like to keep moving. My personality type explains why I like to be loud on the basketball courts and softball fields and at home. My uncle always complains that I'm

Check Out This Bouncing Ball!

  My Animation This is my animation of my bouncing ball. I made this animation in Photoshop. We have been learning about the 12 principles of animation; squash and stretch and ease in/ ease out. I learned that by using the timeline panel everything is done frame by frame. Then you have to repeat all the steps. To me the hardest part of this project was getting all the frames in order and making sure you didn't have two or more of the same frames.  Animation Links   To learn more about animation click the link and watch the video below!   AnimationPrinciples Check out this video on ease in/ ease out! 

"They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets"

Yesterday, we read an article called "They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets." It was about social media and how more and more colleges are looking at your social media posts. The article talked about how high school seniors work hard to turn in applications to college but what they do online is affecting them in a negative way. Things that surprised me in this article was that 381 college admissions officers who answered a Kaplan telephone questionnaire said that 31 percent visited the applicant's Facebook or other social media so they could learn more about them. 30 percent of the admissions said the information they found out about them had affected them negatively. It also surprised me that most admission officers are young and technology-savvy, not older professors. One other thing they said is that students maintain two Facebook accounts and "sanitizing" there social media so it seems more appealing to colleges. Why would you not have it clean i

Photoshop Projects

This week we have been working on Photoshop. For this first image I had to resize the background and add a compass layer. After we added the compass we had to use the magic eraser to get rid of the white background. Then we centered the compass in the middle and put the opacity at  70 percent. After that I typed the word "ONW" in white with 360pt font. The font type is Impact. I centered that and then set the opacity at 60 percent. It sounds easy but, it took me a while to get it done.    This second project we practiced using the magic wand, hue adjustment, and the clone stamp tool. First I had to open a copy of the butterfly and set my background to white. Then I changed the canvas size. I selected symmetric areas from the wings and used the magic wand and adjusted the hue. I kept doing that until I had all different colors. I then used the clone stamp tools to imitate a fluttering butterfly. Thats it! This next project took me the lo

My Personal Logo

A few weeks ago in e9 we had to design a personal logo that described us. We learned about what different colors and shapes mean in a logo and how it can affect the look of the design. I choose to type my initials. I made my type smaller on the "m's" because I wanted the "H" to stick out, thats also why I made it pink. Pink represents friendliness, inner peace, and harmony. I choose to enclose it all in a circle because it is known as the perfect shape. It is like pure perfection.

Pathfinder Shape

This is my pathfinder shape. I decided to make a movie ticket. I made this by making a rectangle and then overlapping 2 circles on each side. I selected all of them then went to the pathfinder window and clicked on the "minus button."  By choosing the "minus button" it erased the circles. I then filled the ticket and made lines into a rectangle. In side the rectangle I then typed "Admit One" to represent a movie ticket. Enjoy the show! 

Anatomy of a Font

This week we took a test to see what font best matched our personality. My font is Architype Van Doesburg.  All the letters in my name have different meanings. Stem means it is a straight vertical stroke. Counter is the partially or fully closed space within a character. Arm is the upper or lower stroke that is attached on one end and free on the other. The tail is the descender of a stroke. Crossbars connect to the stroke. Shoulders are the curved stroke of the h, m, and n. Aperture is the open space that occurs in a "c." Bowls are the enclosed space within the character. The bar is the horizontal stroke in a character. Last but not least is the leg. The leg is the straight part of the "k." Take a look at my name above!

My Creative Color Wheel

This is my creative color wheel.Graphic design relates to color because each color means something different.Companies use color in graphic design  to catch the consumer's eye. Red is desire and passion.   Green is something fresh. Blue is purity and peace . Yellow is joy and energy . Purple is wisdom and creativity. Orange is joy, enthusiasm, and determination. 

Our Leadership Poster

A little bit of what we did yesterday in eCom, making a leadership poster.  "Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others." -John Maxwell 
What is Graphic Design to me? To me graphic design is visual communication to the world. It is also a way to communicate to people without having to talk to them. I think graphic design is unique because you can make it anyway you want. It can be bold or quite, loud and annoying, pink, green, circle shaped or triangle shaped. There are no rules in graphic design so you can make it your own and let your imagination do the work. You get to make it your own, however you want it.